News & Stories

How to Design Sustainable Green Offices - KORU ONE

How to Design Sustainable Green Offices

How to Design Sustainable Green Offices?
The covid pandemic changed the way we work forever. But how do we design sustainable and green offices for the future?

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How to Monitor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) at Home - KORU ONE

How to Monitor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) at Home

How can you know what your home’s Indoor Air Quality actually is? What makes for optimal indoor air quality? And how can monitoring indoor air quality help you and your home?

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How to Design the Perfect Home Office - KORU ONE

How to Design the Perfect Home Office

How to Design the Perfect Home Office
The covid pandemic changed the way we work forever. But how do we design the perfect home office space to fit our lifestyle?

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Relative Humidity: What is it and What’s an Ideal Level? - KORU ONE

Relative Humidity: What is it and What’s an Ideal Level?

Relative Humidity: What is it and What’s an Ideal Level? What is relative humidity, where does it come from, are there side effects of too low or too high humidity and how to maintain ideal indoor humidity in your home?

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How Covid Changed Architecture and Design Forever - KORU ONE

How Covid Changed Architecture and Design Forever

How Covid Changed Architecture and Design Forever?
The covid pandemic may have changed the way we look at building and city planning forever, and it may be a good thing.

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Garden Therapy The Power Of Nature

Garden Therapy: The Power Of Nature

Garden Therapy: The Power Of Nature.
Therapy can come in many different forms, including professional horticultural therapy, also known as garden therapy.

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Indoor Gardening Guide For Beginners

Indoor Gardening Guide For Beginners

Indoor Gardening Guide For Beginners.

Beginner’s gardening guides are very popular online, however few focus on specifically indoor gardening.

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Air Purifiers With Permanent Washable Filter

Air Purifiers With Permanent Washable Filter

Air Purifier With Washable Filter: The Simplest Solution for Clean Indoor Air
An air purifier that uses a washable filter will save you from changing the filter 2-3 times a year saving money and the planet.

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Air Purifier For Home Buying Guide

Air Purifier For Home Buying Guide

Air Purifier For Home Buying Guide.
Air purifiers are becoming a growingly essential device in our everyday lives. But how do you chose an air purifier for home that really improves your health?

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