Botany Labs joins Viva Con Agua in Promoting access to Clean Drinking Water for All

Viva con Agua is a German NGO that supports water projects with the vision “WATER FOR ALL – ALL FOR WATER!”.

Besides the air we breathe, water is at the basis of all life and a fundamental human right. Viva con Agua pursues the vision of access to clean drinking water, hygiene facilities and basic sanitary provision for all people.

Over 2.2 billion people worldwide do not have assured and reliable access to clean drinking water. About 785 million of them even lack a basic clean water supply.

Viva Con Agua: Positive Activism

“Viva con Agua is a meaningful community that positively changes the world with joy. A decentralized network of people and organizations that advocate humane access to clean drinking water for all.”

viva con agua logo

As an ALL PROFIT organization (that’s how Viva Con Agua defines themselves) they “rely on the universal languages of music, art and sport to encourage people to advocate clean drinking water and generate donations.”

This basically means that they organize social activities and events where they raise funds to invest in water-related projects. As they put it “We raise funds through joyful activities, which flow into WASH projects in an increasing number of Viva con Agua countries.”

WASH stands for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene and is responsible for scouting and starting projects aimed at improving the living conditions of many people in the long term through water management, conservation, and sanitation.

The association Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli e.V. was officially registered in 2006 and recognized as non-profit.

The Viva con Agua family has grown steadily since these early days. There are voluntary Viva con Agua crews in several German cities and independent registered associations in Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Uganda and South Africa.

The idea of an ALL PROFIT organization as well as a kind of fundraising that is fun and brings joy have thus become an international idea and prove the vision “Water for all – all for water” to be true!

access to clean water

Botany Labs and Viva con Agua commitment

As of June 2022 Botany Labs committed to officially supporting Viva con Agua on its quest to provide clean drinking water.

Together, they will be supporting projects to promote health, education, and empowerment for communities living in water scarcity conditions.   

These projects will be vetted by the stellar community at Viva con Agua and their local partners, in the countries where the project will be carried out. This ensures the maximum effectiveness as well as transparency on the project progress.

Botany Labs and Viva con Agua partnership

Fighting air pollution, water scarcity, or biodiversity loss is an attempt from our side to commit to the restoration and protection of the natural environment of our planet, because we believe it to be the most important heritage of all.

Viva con Agua represents a perfect partner to carry out this mission, as their impressive track record of successes and commitment is unparalleled.

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